Check this box if your visa allows for multiple entries, This is listed on your visa (“M” for multiple entries), 56. Sign up to receive awesome content in your inbox, every month. Thank you! I just went to Palermo Sicily Questura for my PDS appointment. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. thank you goodness you’ve put together this piece. I hope you get it! Please contact a lawyer for legal advice. I am actually moving to Florence in a month, but I’m sure I’ll come back to Bologna every so often. Rilascio permesso di soggiorno per coesione familiare tramite kit postale. (see samples for newcomers and oldtimers– but note that starting 2017, DO NOT PUT YOUR MIDDLE NAME ANYMORE IN ANY ITALIAN DOCUMENT, just your complete first name and last name. The first step requires you to fill-out and submit the Kit Permesso di Soggiorno. Hi Ginger! oppure permesso di soggiorno CE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo, è un documento che ti permette di vivere in Italia senza alcun problema e soprattutto non ha scadenza, come dice il nome stesso è illimitato, non ha una scadenzae non va rinnovato (art. This is so sad. It was very stressful for me the first time as well. The final is an appointment for when you need to go to the Questura and be finger-printed. These pages are for people with special circumstances or people who have lived in Italy before. Adesso inviaci i dati ed al resto pensiamo noi … +info da qui. You can call them or send them an email. It’s always full of foreigners when I go, and many of them not Christian. Se il rinnovo riguarda i minori di 14 anni, all’interno del kit deve essere inserito un ulteriore bollettino di 30,46 € per la stampa del tesserino elettronico al minore. Well now I know that the $30 are paid in euros and the $130.46 is paid in euro in the postale. Once these forms have been filled-out, the visa holder takes the kit, along with copies of all their documents (all the documents you had to submit to the consulate to obtain your visa) and goes to the post office to pay the required fees. The Permesso di Soggiorno application form is called “Kit per la richiesta di Permesso di Soggiorno”. Go to the Post Office (ugh). Sorry for the mess but I was t the postage for the 3rd time today and waiting on line hopefully I will get a response before called. PROBLEMI CON IL “KIT” PER IL PERMESSO DI SOGGIORNO? They simply exist as a non-profit to advocate for workers’ rights. The first is a receipt of your Assicurata. If you are still here in the fall perhaps we can get together. Per tutte le tipologie di aggiornamento, è necessario ritirare presso gli uffici postali un apposito Kit, del quale compilare solo il “modulo 1”, ed aggiungere ad esso la documentazione ulteriore, che varia in base alla ragione per la quale si procede all’aggiornamento. You mentioned ACLI in the first response. You’re so welcome! Per richiedere il rilascio o il rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno, dal 11 dicembre 2006, in Italia vige un nuovo metodo. The competent immigration office of Questura is located within the territory of the province where the applicant (or their employer) resides. Se infatti lo stesso è per un periodo di al massimo un anno, si paga ottanta euro. No part of their bureaucratic services are related to religion. If this is your first time applying, only pages 1-3 should apply to you. I still have vivid memories of filling out my permesso application for the first time. No matter what visa (student, working, or otherwise) you have, you MUST apply for a Permesso di Soggiorno. Good morning….Great information, however, I have a question. €30.46 for printing the electronic permesso di soggiorno. This asks if you are a refugee, check “sì” or “no”, Usually, you should put the exact information on these documents that is listed in your passport. They also call it just “Kit”, as it is a set of forms and documents regarding the Permit to Stay application. Il permesso di soggiorno illimitato per extracomunitari, conosciuto anche come permesso di soggiorno per soggiornanti di lungo periodo (S.L.P.) Thank you Alexa, the article is very helpful. €40-€100 for the permesso kit processing (this fee goes to the Italian State), 2.) No I’m not – I’m in Sicily I can certainly do some research though! (Dumb bunny, me.) Thank you! Thanks. The first step requires you to fill-out and submit the Kit Permesso di Soggiorno. This is because you have to convert your visa (which grants you access into the country) to a permit of stay (which allows you to actually stay in the country). Luckily, you do not need to fill out pages 4-8. DO NOT LOOSE ANY OF THESE PIECES OF PAPER. Nd which one am I getting as a reunificación gmfamiliar? There are two main parts to the permesso di soggiorno: the main packet and the smaller pay slip. Now in Rome, and never have I seen such … confusion … on paper! If you haven’t gotten your permesso di soggiorno kit yet, make sure you read my article on How to Get Your Permesso Di Soggiorno. The only thing is what documents should I include with the kit as a first timer besides passport and visa page? Sarà necessario versare una marca da bollo di 16,00 euro, effettuare il pagamento di trenta euro per l’invio del kit e (siccome si tratta di un semplice aggiornamento del permesso di soggiorno) di 27,50 euro per il titolo di soggiorno modificato. I’m so glad you got it all figured out! Good luck! I would honestly just go another day and see if you can get a different person. Omg what a life saver. Please assure in your pay that the fee is paid in the postale. Stranieri; Notizie collegate. Quick question: Do I have to fill out anything after Item 75? Almost all post office branches have Kits. Productos Especiales; Protección Contra Fuego . Alla scadenza del permesso di soggiorno del cittadino extracomunitario, nel caso non abbia trovato un altra occupazione, si può chiedere la conversione del permesso di lavoro in permesso per attesa occupazione grazie all’apposito Kit rilasciato dallo Sportello Amico in un qualsivoglia ufficio postale. Hi Rebecca! You can leave this blank if you don’t have a, 32. The name of the border you arrived at, You can write the name of your airport, for example, “Francoforto Sul Meno” if you arrived in Europe at the Frankfurt airport, There may be one box too few so you can write the last number outside of the boxes, 53. I just tried to submit my permesso but the woman at the post office said that she didn’t know the amount for the pay slip and that I would have to find it out myself. Remember to fill out the permesso di soggiorno kit in black ink only and in capital letters. Hi Alexa! I’ve never found anything like this in the year I’ve been digging into all the work needed to move to Italy. Sorry for the late reply, I was without my computer for almost 2 months so I hope you got it figured out! Thanks, Percy! Il Governo Monti ha però stabilito delle modifiche relative a tale legge. Hi! The Marca da bollo is a sticker and costs €16. Are you located in Bologna by chance? The two letters that represent the city (again), 80. The name of a place where you can be found if you are not at the address listed above, For example, if you are taking language course or studying at the university, list the name of your school, 78. The Shapes of Time’ Exhibition, OLTRE TUTTO: Rome’s New Year’s Eve 2021 streaming event, Christmas at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. Just Google “ACLI” and the Italian city you’re in. سوجورنو کو رینو کرنے کے لئے کٹ کس طرح فل کرنی ہے Permesso di soggiorno ko renew karnay kay liey kit fill karnay ha tariqa They usually respond very quickly! I’ve used this method numerous times and it usually works haha! Often, students who are in Italy for less than 6 months are never issued a permesso because the processing time exceeds their stipulated period of study. I think it would be best if you contacted your local ACLI organization and they can help walk you through the process and answer any questions you have. Once you have filled out all this paperwork and paid the required fees, you will be given several documents back. Ciao Alexa. Dopo che il Consiglio di Stato nell’autunno 2016 aveva bocciato in via definitiva le tariffe previste sino ad allora per il rilascio o il rinnovo del permesso di soggiorno, con un minimo di 80 euro e un massimo di 200 a seconda dei casi, ora finalmente con la pubblicazione sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’aggiornamento deciso dal Ministero dell’Economia. Alexa, do you know the procedure of forms to fill out for permesso di soggiorno luongo? He also told me to go through the process again after 12 months for renewal. €16 for the Marca da Bollo sticker (which you buy at a Tabbacheria and then the postal worker puts on the front of your permesso packet), 3.) I’m not sure how much the fee is, but the post office should be able to tell you. The Permesso di Soggiorno is your foreigner registration card and literally translates to “Permit to Stay”. As when I got the form I was soo stressed , how I will manage , but once I found your blog it was soo easy and fast . Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Documenti. The post office, oddly enough, is where a lot of submission of government documents takes place, in addition to the traditional mailing of letters and packages, as well as paying for a swath of bills (including state or municipal issued fines) and receiving government-issued financial sums (like your pension). Any ideas on this? The second is a receipt of your bolletino. The cards are sent to the local police station (commissariato di polizia) in your neighbourhood of residence. I’m so glad I could help you! What does ACLI stand for? The date when your visa begins (again, write the day first and then the month), 57. Thank you. This can be left blank unless you have another apartment/house number, 77. Documenti del richiedente per il permesso di soggiorno per coesione familiare. Thank you so much! WOW! Hi. I ask because there is an association called ACLI that helps foreigners with Italian bureaucracy. The “run around town” method is usually foolproof! Many thanks, Hello, please contact us via email thanks, Your email address will not be published. €30 for the Assicurata Postale (a payment to the immigration office), 4.) Your birthdate (notice they ask for the day first followed by the month, which is the opposite as in America), These codes are listed on a page included in your, 37. This asks which module you completed, so “01” if you are only completing the first module, 25. From any Poste Italiane office: ask for a “Kit per il Permesso di Soggiorno”. Thanksi!!!!! Ti sarà comunicata la data in cui dovrai recarti in questura per l’appuntamento ed istruire la pratica consegnando gli originali. If it’s for studying, you should bring your school documents. I have permisso di saggorno of sussidaria how to fill up kit for carta di sagorno ,how mush fee shall i pay for it …..kindly inform me immediately….. Most people don’t have to fill out Module 2. Below, I have included a step-by-step guide on how to fill out your permesso di soggiorno kit. Pueden compartir este artículo en sus redes sociales, vía mail o whatsapp con todos aquellos que lo necesiten y pueda ayudarlos. Dove posso trovare il kit del permesso di soggiorno? You will have to ask the official what the price is but you will put this price, in numbers, in the top right-hand corner and, written out, on the first line where it says, “importo (in lettera).” Write your full name, middle name included if you have one, on the line where it says, “eseguito da.” Then, write your full address on the line where it says, “residente in via.” You will have to write this information three different times because it’s Italy so why should things make sense?

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