The novel was first published in English in 1924 by E. P. Dutton in New York in a translation by Gregory Zilboorg,[37] but its first publication in the Soviet Union had to wait until 1988,[38] when glasnost resulted in it appearing alongside George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was late. There is no way of referring to people except by their given numbers. [26] Ayn Rand's Anthem (1938) has many significant similarities to We (detailed here), although it is stylistically and thematically different. Eppure i romanzi e i racconti prodotti, spesso piacevoli e interessanti, hanno ipotizzato società negative che non si sono mai realizzate. Tra i grandi classici della distopia, al livello di 1984 per intendersi, c'è questa opera dell'autore russo Evgenij Ivanovič Zamjatin, Noi (Мы), scritto tra il 1919 e il 1921, e pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1924.. Scritto un paio d'anni dopo la Rivoluzione d'Ottobre è probabilmente la prima opera letteraria importante a criticare il nuovo regime. Yevgeny Zamyatin died in poverty[43] of a heart attack on March 10, 1937. Released in 2015, The Glass Fortress[48] is a musical and narrative adaptation of the novel by Rémi Orts Project and Alan B. Jerome's works were translated in Russia three times before 1917. [48] However, in a 1962 letter to Christopher Collins, Huxley says that he wrote Brave New World as a reaction to H.G. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat is a set book in Russian schools. For example, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was Christianizing Zamyatin's attacks against State-enforced conformity when he wrote, in his 1973 Letter to Soviet Leaders, "Our present system is unique in world history, because over and above its physical and economic constraints, it demands of us total surrender of our souls, continuous and willing participation in the general, conscious lie. INTRODUZIONE To every today, to every civilization, to the laborious, slow, useful, most useful, creative, coral-building work, heretics are a threat. [9] This operation removes the imagination and emotions by targeting parts of the brain with X-rays. Sophie Fuller and Julian Sacchi, in Islanders and the Fisher of Men, 1984), Mamai (Мамай), 1921 – 'Mamai' (tr. The structure of the One State is Panopticon-like, and life is scientifically managed based on the theories of F. W. Taylor. [46], Montreal company Théâtre Deuxième Réalité produced an adaptation of the novel in 1996, adapted and directed by Alexandre Marine, under the title Nous Autres.[47]. "[19], In 1919, Zamyatin wrote, "He who has found his ideal today is, like Lot's wife, already turned into a pillar of salt and does not move ahead. Despite her refusal, I-330 and those arrested with her have been sentenced to death, "under the Benefactor's Machine". "[25], In Zamyatin's 1923 essay, The New Russian Prose, he wrote, "In art, the surest way to destroy is to canonize one given form and one philosophy: that which is canonized dies of obesity, of entropy. In 1913, Zamyatin was amnestied as part of the celebrations for 300-years of rule by the House of Romanov and granted the right to return to St. Zamyatin further criticized, "these nimble authors," for knowing, "when to sing hail to the Tsar, and when to the Hammer and Sickle." He later recalled, "I lived first in an empty dacha at Sestoretsk, then, in winter, in Lakhta. I-330 smokes cigarettes, drinks vodka, and shamelessly flirts with D-503 instead of applying for a pink ticket sex visit; all of these are highly illegal according to the laws of One State. In The Church of God, he questions the Bolshevik tenet that the end justifies the means. A/W 905, round tonnage 3300, where O–90 and I-330 appropriately divide the hapless D-503 [. Equality is taken to such lengths that people with well-developed physiques are liable to have lopped limbs. It is right 150 years later. In parting, Gorky said, 'When shall we meet again? Noi – Evgenij Zamjatin 13 Dicembre 2014 1 Se si pensa ai grandi classici della letteratura russa , la mente richiama subito i nomi di Dostoevskij o di Tolstoj e forse qualcuno nominerà anche Gogol e Pushkin. Neil Cornwell, in Stand, 4. If I go there, you must come to see me! "[3], He may have had synesthesia since he gave letters and sounds qualities. Sophie Fuller and Julian Sacchi, in Islanders and the Fisher of Men, 1984). Furthermore, during a 2018 debate in Toronto, English actor Stephen Fry, an activist and vocal public speaker in Leftist and LGBT causes, paraphrased from Zamyatin's 1923 denunciation of Censorship in the Soviet Union in order to also denounce the idea that political correctness and online cancel culture represent social progress. He was arrested and exiled a second time in 1911. Zamyatin continued by pointing out that writers in the new Soviet Union were forbidden to criticize and satirise, in the vein of Jonathan Swift and Anatole France, the foibles and failings of the new society. [11] Every hour in one's life is directed by "The Table". "[29], According to Mirra Ginsburg, "Zamyatin's vision was too far-reaching, too nonconformist, and too openly expressed to be tolerated by the purveyors of official and compulsory dogma. Vede la sua prima edizione in lingua russa solo nel 1988. In his 1918 essay Scythians?, Zamyatin wrote, "Christ on Golgotha, between two thieves, bleeding to death drop by drop, is the victor - because he has been crucified, because, in practical terms, he has been vanquished. "[6], In December 1905, Zamyatin agreed to hide in his flat a paper bag filled with the explosive pyroxylin. When Caesar, having exacted what is Caesar's, demands still more insistently that we render unto him what is God's - that is a sacrifice we dare not make."[46]. 1976), Lovets chelovekov (Ловец человеков), 1921 – 'The Fisher of Men' (tr. These attitudes, writings, and actions, which the Party considered Deviationism made Zamyatin's position increasingly difficult as the 1920s wore on. Capostipite del romanzo distopico, Noi ha reso Zamjatin il vero e proprio Prometeo del genere, basti pensare che alla sua opera si sono ispirati capolavori immortali quali Il mondo nuovo di Aldous Huxley, Antifona di Ayn Rand e 1984 di George Orwell. He was dismissed from his editorial posts; magazines and publishing houses closed their doors to him; those which ventured to publish his work were persecuted; his plays were withdrawn from the stage. In a deliberate swipe at the expansionist dreams of Nikolai Krylenko and others like him, the One State intends to "force" alien races "to be happy" by accepting the absolutism of the One State and its leader, the Benefactor. But let us not jest incautiously. Zamyatin was born in Lebedyan, Tambov Governorate, 300 km (186 mi) south of Moscow. "[18], Later in the same essay, Zamyatin quoted a recent poem by Andrei Bely and used it to further criticize People's Commissar for Military Affairs Nikolai Krylenko and those like him, for having, "covered Russia with a pile of carcasses," and for, "dreaming of socialist-Napoleonic Wars in Europe - throughout the world, throughout the universe! The novel describes a world of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. Very early he was branded by Trotsky as an internal émigré. [citation needed], In 1998, the first English translation of Cursed Days, a diary kept in secret by anti-communist Russian author Ivan Bunin during the Russian Civil War in Moscow and Odessa was published in Chicago. “Noi” è un romanzo di genere distopico, scritto dall’autore russo Evgenij Ivanovič Zamjatin tra il 1919 e il 1922. Walker Foard, 1988), Ostrovitiane (Островитяне), 1918 – 'The Islanders' (tr. Litsa, 1955 – A Soviet Heretic: Essays (tr. No one has a name: women wear even numbers on their tunics, and men wear odd, just as in We. Zamyatin's point, probably in light of the increasingly dogmatic Soviet government of the time, would seem to be that it is impossible to remove all the rebels against a system. Sophie Fuller and Julian Sacchi), My: Romany, povesti, rasskazy, skazki, 1989, Izbrannye proizvedeniia: povesti, rasskazy, skazki, roman, pesy, 1989 (ed. Zamyatin later wrote, "Gorky was informed of this, and wrote that he was pleased at my participation in the project, that he would like to see the adaptation of his play, and would wait to receive the manuscript. Everybody drank wine, but his glass contained water - he was not allowed to drink wine. There is no way of referring to people except by numbers assigned by the One State. A.Iu. [29] Orwell is reported as "saying that he was taking it as the model for his next novel". There, D-503 meets human inhabitants whom the One State claims do not exist: hunter gatherers whose bodies are covered with animal fur. She invites him to visit the Ancient House, notable for being the only opaque building in One State, except for windows. Zamjàtin ecco la copertina e la descrizione del libro è un motore di ricerca gratuito di ebook (epub, mobi, pdf) è un blog per lettori, appassionati di libri. Slowly, I-330 reveals to D-503 that she is involved with the Mephi, an organization plotting to bring down the One State. Although D-503 expresses hope that the Benefactor shall restore "reason", the novel ends with One State's survival in doubt. Both repelled and fascinated, D-503 struggles to overcome his attraction to I-330. Gorky's car sped through a wall of water, bringing me and several other invited guests to dinner at his home. È la fine del terzo millennio, l’umanità vive in uno spazio ipermeccanizzato e socialmente ipercontrollato, chiuso dalla Muraglia Verde. He found little in common with most of the emigrés who had left Russia a decade earlier."[40]. by D.J. In 1937, however, Zamyatin died in poverty in Paris. Leaving in horror, D-503 vows to denounce her to the Bureau of Guardians, but finds that he cannot. And the law of entropy is cold, ice blue, like the icy interplanetary infinities. Explosions are not very comfortable. It takes the modern industrial society to an extreme conclusion, depicting a state that believes that free will is the cause of unhappiness, and that citizens' lives should be controlled with mathematical precision based on the system of industrial efficiency created by Frederick Winslow Taylor. Objects of aesthetic and historical importance dug up from around the city are stored there. One of the mourners, however, was Zamyatin's Russian language publisher Marc Lvovich Slonim, who had befriended the Zamyatins after their arrival in the West. Guerney uses "The One State"—each word is, George Orwell by Harold Bloom pg 54 Publisher: Chelsea House Pub, Zamyatin's We: A Collection of Critical Essays by, The Literary Underground: Writers and the Totalitarian Experience, 1900–1950 pgs 89–91 By, Blair E. 2007. The Fair Lady, in legal marriage, is simply Mrs. So-and-So, with hair curlers at night and a migraine in the morning. "[44], Writing in 1967, Mirra Ginsburg commented, "Like Bulgakov and like Babel, Zamyatin gives us a glimpse of what post-revolutionary Russian literature might have become had independence, daring, and individuality not been stamped out so ruthlessly by the dictatorship. Christopher Collins in Evgenij Zamjatin: An Interpretive Study finds the many intriguing literary aspects of We more interesting and relevant today than the political aspects: The little-known Russian dystopian novel Love in the Fog of the Future, published in 1924 by Andrei Marsov, has also been compared to We. Only a small group of friends were present for his burial at the Cimetière de Thiais, in the Parisian suburb of the same name. In that year, when he handed the manuscript to his novel Doctor Zhivago over to an emissary from billionaire Italian publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Boris Pasternak famously said, "You are hereby invited to watch me face the firing squad.". Many of the names and numbers in We are allusions to personal experiences of Zamyatin or to culture and literature. Even though he was an Old Bolshevik and even though, "he accepted the revolution," Zamyatin believed that independent speech and thought are necessary to any healthy society and opposed the Party's increasing suppression of freedom of speech and the censorship of literature, the media, and the arts. Meetings in the universities. [8], In the spring of 1906, Zamyatin was released and sent into internal exile in his native Tambov Governorate. Zamyatin's destruction took a different form. In a foreword, the diary's English translator, Thomas Gaiton Marullo, described Cursed Days as a rare example of dystopian nonfiction and pointed out multiple parallels between the secret diary kept by Bunin and the diary kept by D-503, the protagonist of Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel We.[36]. I remember clearly that extraordinarily hot day and the rainstorm - a tropical downpour- in Moscow. [25], In The Right Stuff (1979), Tom Wolfe describes We as a "marvelously morose novel of the future" featuring an "omnipotent spaceship" called the Integral whose "designer is known only as 'D-503, Builder of the Integral'". He begins to have dreams, which are thought to be a symptom of mental illness. This is why it was 1957 before another Soviet writer took the risk of doing so again. Zamyatin concluded by pointing out that if the Party did not rid itself of, "this new Catholicism, which is every bit as fearful of every heretical word as the old one," then the only future possible for Russian literature was "in the past. In this letter Zamyatin wrote, "I do not wish to conceal that the basic reason for my request for permission to go abroad with my wife is my hopeless position here as a writer, the death sentence that has been pronounced upon me as a writer here at home. "[27], Zamyatin also wrote a number of short stories, in fairy tale form, that constituted satirical criticism of Communist ideology.